For large furnace rebuilds, a CAN-ENG Field engineer will be on site to erect, trouble shoot, commission and start-up CAN-ENG supplied equipment. If requested, CAN-ENG will also hire and oversee the construction personnel for furnace installation.
CAN-ENG’s commitment does not stop once the furnace has been installed. For the life of the furnace, CAN-ENG service teams provide solutions to any problems, concerns, or new requirements. From spare parts and retrofitting to onsite maintenance contracts, CAN-ENG offers the best solutions to optimize furnace production, efficiency and quality.
In today’s aggressive business climate, maintenance budgeting and staffing levels that were once considered mandatory are now considered excessive. Due to reductions in maintenance, CAN-ENG knows that many furnaces are not operating at full production capacity, prime product quality, optimum energy efficiency or complete environmental compliance.
Working together with CAN-ENG will result in efficient, well-planned furnace tuning and maintenance operations.